
Thai BBQ - Old Klang Road

When thinking of Thai food, most of us would think of Tomyam.
In Old Klang Road here, there's a uniquely decorated restaurant called BBQ Thai. Looking from outside, its a messy wooden building with some recyclable items: used container and bricks. But when you enter inside, its another world. They have joined a few wooden huts like a small village. Its vintage styling with modern lighting give us a homely and comfortable feeling. The place is generally clean and there's open air and indoor seats (in the air-conditioned wooden hut). 

We ordered some dishes, e.g. seafood tomyam (of course), kerabu, deep fried chicken soft bones and lemon steamed squid. Honestly, nothing was impressive except the lemon steamed squid. Not many people knows about lemon steamed I guess and hence not many Thai food restaurant has this signature dish. But I love it very much since the first time I had it back in Penang.

The squid was very fresh and it was served on a charcoal hot plate with the special lemon source mixed with garlic and chili. The squid would cook on the hot plate before your eyes and beware that not to overly cooked. Though it looks sweet, it is real hot! (more spicy than the tomyam). It burned your lips but with super great satisfaction. The tenderness of squid was so perfectly matched with the sweet, sour and spicy source.

Price of the lemon steamed squid was about RM30 - RM40.
Personally, the food is average, but this lemon steamed squid is highly recommended.