
Paragliding Bahau Seremban -- Everyone Can Fly

Paragliding is a sport game with long history...yet it started in Malaysia since 1995...
A few hot spot for paragliding, being the most popular one -- Bukit Jugra. However, the direction of the wind blow was not suitable at that time being...we shift ourselves to Bukit Penarikan Bahau 1100 ft, which is slightly higher than Bukit Jugra, and its about 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur...

Went up the top of hill by Jeep... the view was so nice...and we were over excited for our first glide soon...so much so putting behind the hot sun...
Putting on the "big wing"... and ready to take off...

Blue sky...white cloud...green earth....
Is this the taste of freedom...fly like a bird??
Tips and things to prepare for paragliding:
1. Sun block
2. Sun Glasses
3. Cap
4. Long sleeves, long pants, covered shoes
5. Cameras
and most importantly....plenty of drinking water!! you would easily dehydrated spending 3 to 4 hours under hot sun!!

Paragliding license course: RM1200 to RM1500
Paragliding equipment: about RM10000
Paragliding tandem flight: RM150 to RM200

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