
Guilin Part 2 - Feng Shui and Landscape

Guilin is said to have a very strategic location based on feng shui perspective. Over the centuries, Guilin has been the "feng shui location" for debut of king or great leader. It was said to be the cohesion of all goodness. The king Lu was once meditate and found peace here..then he subsequently overlord the dynasty...while in most recent history, it was said that not even the Japanse missile in WW2 could hit the place...  I don't know how true the stories told by the tour guide but the greeny and freshy landscape did make me feel good here..
The running water was symbolizing prosperous...
The path that King Lu was once walking...I guess so...
The five happiness pagoda which built strictly according to the dimension of Feng Shui...

This echo wall was specially built in a curve...you can hear the "reply" from the wall and so your wishes would come true...
There was a wall molding the standard appearance of people during Dynasty Tang...the perception and evolution of human body shape has been seriously deviated...

"Opps...my butt is not big enough!"

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