
A Tour - Sepang International Circuit

Racing is a sport... though it looks dangerous with the high speed and of cause its an expensive game...
During the F1 season, a seat in SIC could be simply over 300 USD and usually only invited super VIP could enter the observation tower...

Before heading to the racing track... let's see how the sport car evolved in the car museum...
Alvin Firefly Tourer... Bufori... MGTD...

And Perodua Kenari... Lol...

Now, watch the racing live on TV... hahaha... its the control room... where the crews monitor the situation on track... arrange for rescue, ambulance and/or fire brigade...

Okay, here the racing track... with the speed more than 300 km/h...

Super-bike training for intermediate and professional racer...

While for the beginner...


The winner "rest in peace" on the stage... lol...
Moral of the story: trained before you drift!!


Fun Time in Singapore

Singapore, I called her an artificial city, beautiful and elegant.

First day upon arrival at the Changi Airport, we got the Singapore map in hand, took the MRT, bus and then "jogged" to the hotel... early morning in Singapore... our Ms. Dashing was drenched...

Then we learnt one thing, jotted down the bus number at the bus stop in front of hotel...

We visited a few places for tourists... crowded with people... "people mountain people sea"...

Hmm... thinking where to go?

Honestly, food in Singapore were "so so" only... may be because we were tourists... but you can find everything you want here... "commercially available" fried koay tiao, oyster omelette, chicken rice, bak kut teh.... most food courts in the city were fulled and you have to eat faster (and just forget about taking pictures) as the next customer would stand beside staring at you "hungrily"...

Merlion Park... famous land mark for Singapore...
Definitely must drink this holy water from Merlion

Take your time, capture everything you want... but don't forget to put on sun block...

DSLR for sales?? Seems like business not good...

The third hand...

Art exhibition and the street artist... lol

Thank you for offering seat to those who need it more.... such as pregnant women...

Indian Temple... It's closed but a lot tourists were taking pictures... hmm... is it unique??

Public phone...

China Town in Singapore...

Night scene in Marina Sands Bay...

Drinking at Acid Bar... only for the grown up...

The next day, heading to Universal Studio Singapore... and this is the main reason all the way here to Singapore...

You would turn into kids again in USS... Transformer, Far Far Away, Madagascar, Jurassic Park, Mummy... and more...

Fun time, fun places with fun mates... hahaha :D


An Afternoon With Myself

This is the place wasn't in my plan, but end up I spent the whole afternoon, sitting, looking at the sea and pondering...it was such a beautiful moment all alone...

Looking at the speed boat... people rushing here and there everyday... 
Every time someone ask me, what's occupying me? I would struggle a little while...hmm...
Then another question come across, what do I really want in my life?
Okay, then the afternoon over...

 Alright, this is the best travel's mate...


Guilin Part 3: Must See


With monkeys' sad adieus the riverbanks are loud;
My skiff has left ten thousand mountains far away
(Google translation)


Guilin Part 2 - Feng Shui and Landscape

Guilin is said to have a very strategic location based on feng shui perspective. Over the centuries, Guilin has been the "feng shui location" for debut of king or great leader. It was said to be the cohesion of all goodness. The king Lu was once meditate and found peace here..then he subsequently overlord the dynasty...while in most recent history, it was said that not even the Japanse missile in WW2 could hit the place...  I don't know how true the stories told by the tour guide but the greeny and freshy landscape did make me feel good here..
The running water was symbolizing prosperous...
The path that King Lu was once walking...I guess so...
The five happiness pagoda which built strictly according to the dimension of Feng Shui...

This echo wall was specially built in a curve...you can hear the "reply" from the wall and so your wishes would come true...
There was a wall molding the standard appearance of people during Dynasty Tang...the perception and evolution of human body shape has been seriously deviated...

"Opps...my butt is not big enough!"