
What's your G?

Along with McDonald's new launched Great-tasting Chicken Burger GCB, stand a chance to win RM5000 cash by joining "what's your G" contest at facebook McDonald's Malaysia.
Wake up at 4pm Saturday, I have not been enjoying such a lazy weekend for long time. Bring along with my brand new Lumix GF1, hehe, came all the way to McD for a snap shot of this legendary GCB...

I supposed that the crews were sleepy at Saturday late afternoon.. 3 to 4 of customers including me were have to wait about 10 to 15 minutes in front of the counter waiting the food to be served =.="...this is so called "fast-food" restaurant. Well, money paid, food not ready, and you have to stand there "watching" the robotic faced crews to serve you drink (2 minutes), fries (3minutes), burger (4 minutes), sundae chocolate (10 minutes, have to get chocolate from store behind!)...imagine I was fasted for 18 hours at that time...

Anyhow, I got my food finally..just forgive their bad service..

Well well well... "GCB" the first thing come across my mind was something rude...what the cb (cibxx)...opps...i m sorry.. its McDonald's chicken burger...

The chicken thigh grilled just nice, together with mayonnaise dressed fresh lettuce and soft bread... simple but complementary combined into Great-tasting Chicken Burger -- GCB... however, I think the patty is rather small, it tasted like Japanese terriyaki chicken, but I think the accent is covered by a bit "too much" of mayonnaise dressing...

So, what's your G?
I will say: Guess what? standing 15 minutes to grab one cb burger.

Set Medium: RM11.90+

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