
Penang Mee Sotong and Chicken Chop

Thanks to my dear friends from Sabah, I manage to eat around again in Penang...hehe. This is their first time visit Penang, besides shopping, eat is the most important activity to do in Penang.

Here would introduced the most popular Mee Sotong and Chicken Chop in Penang...well...people may wonder what so special about chicken chop, the western food in an eastern country's island??

Okay, we talk about chicken chop later...

Mee sotong at Esplanade has been recently voted as the best in Penang. Surely, a lot of people...we wait there almost 1 hour for just two plate...yeah...taste very good and the sotong (squid) really fresh...but its too spicy for me (yet "the spice girl" love it so much =.=")... hence eating mee sotong here must come with coconut milk shake...vanilla ice-cream plus coconut...the surprising combination...

In hokkien dialect, we used to ask for "pan gi", "tua te" and "ho chiak", which mean cheap in price, big portion and delicious... yes... cheap, big and delicious chicken chop here in Penang.

If you don't mind to have western food in traditional Chinese kopitiam seat, then you should visit this "hybrid western restaurant" -- Hainan Western in Mount Erskine or more commonly known as "Pek Hun Shua Chicken Chop".

There are almost 50 variety of steak, chicken, fillet, pork chop and etc on the menu board...really hard to decide... although its always full house here, the food serve very fast and hot from kitchen...

Here are a few that served to us... cordon bleu pork chop...barbecue fish fillet...fruity chicken chop...etc... and myself love cordon bleu pork very much :D... no other place that I know could find this!

Fresh, yummy, juicy, tasty...words can't describe...perhaps I was too hungry... and most importantly my Sabah friends were very much enjoying Penang culture western food here...

Mee Sotong RM3.50 - RM5.00 per plate
Hainan Western RM6.00 - RM14.00 per set

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